Entomophagy is described as " the act of eating insects, especially by people". Now, its easy to think, why would anyone want tot do that? The last time I even thought about EATING a bug was in the fourth grade when my friend dared me to eat a worm. But what if its really not that crazy??💥💥💥💥?? Actually, in other countries across the globe, villages and tribes cook, prepare, or just catch and dig up these little critters and eat them! Breakfast. Brunch. Lunch. Linner. Dinner.
Some specific buggy meals are Mod daeng, or weaver ants of Thailand.
Or. Chicatanas, large flying ants in Mexico.
(Info curtesy of tasteatlas.com 😁)
There are soooo many benefits to eating insects too!
First and foremost, in my most humble opinion, is the not so catastrophic effect eating and insects has on the environment! Because bugs come in many large numbers (not so fun when its a swarm of angry hornets right?) they can be produced in large quantities with way less amounts of resources used! Now, who doesn't LOVE a bargain????? I do. Another reason bugs are good to consume is because they have many health benefits. Like antimicrobials and antioxidants. They're not just empty calories. And best of all! Their protein is off the charts!
Bugs in general contain more protein. If a beef steak and a cricket steak weighed the same, the cricket steak would contain roughly 2-3 times more protein.......along with iron and fiber. (naakbar.com)
All in all. Maybe eating that worm wouldn't have been such a bad idea😅
Tune in tomorrow for..............
Stigma, what is it and what does it want?
How are we, the BUG FARMERS, going to breakdown the Western stigma of eating bugs!!!
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